Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Sixth House

The Sixth house rules enemy, accidents, disease, mental afflictions, mother's brother, stepmother, co-wife, litigation and misfortunes.

The sixth house is one of the Trik houses. Sixth, eighth and twelfth houses are known as trik houses not considered auspicious in Vedic Astrology. They also influence the auspiciousness of the planets, and house lords which form a relationship with these houses.

It is the house of diseases, loans and services. The enemies of the person are also analyzed through this house. This house is also included in the Upchaya houses.

It is one of the Arth houses(second, sixth and tenth house). The aspect of Jupiter on this house does not create any scarcity of money for a person.


The Sixth House describes the general health of the native, and the type of sickness to which he is prone. It also indicates enemies, diet, nutrition, hygiene, health care, sickness, opposition, disputes, legal cases, loss, accident, stamina to fight back, success in competition, difficulties, struggle, maternal uncle, service, contract, domestic pets and body part: waist, loans, divorce, split in marriage, marital disharmony, conflicts (wars in olden days), service (only rendering service under an employer and not business or profession.

Daily Activities

It also determines the conditions with which the daily work is carried out, of life: what will I wear today? Do I need a haircut? These simple matters keep our engines humming and enable us to do the more important work of our choosing, even though this normally is shown by the Tenth House.

Its chief concern, however, is to elucidate the conditions surrounding the work or duty involved and the reaction where co-workers, employers or employees are concerned. The Zodiacal Sign actually on the cusp of the Sixth House will show the degree of physical strength or weakness and the ailments to which the individual will be susceptible.

How you take responsibility for your own health & fitness: diet, exercise, health care, stress management, sleep habits, medical check-ups; how you care for the health & fitness of others: health-care work, therapy, nutrition counseling, fitness training, nursing, pharmacy. The sixth house in the natural Zodiac is ruled by the sign Virgo and the Planet mercury.

Even today, your work is sure to affect your health and well-being, so keep this in mind when examining your horoscope. Below, though, I focus on the work itself. Health issues related to different professions are easy enough to foresee.


The 6th House governs your work, what you do for a living. It doesn't exactly deal with the social situation at work or your career, because these things belong to the 10th House. The 6th is about what you work with, what it is you do, and how that works out for you.

The sixth house indicates the quality of SERVICE you give to others as well as the quality of service they give to you, so this house rules, by extension, servants of all sorts.

The sixth house is our office -- it's where we go to take care of business on a daily basis, and in the sixth house, we find all the routines and activities that we have to do on a daily basis in order to maintain an existence on the physical plane. The sixth house is a cadent house, and here we are concerned with learning about the material world.

The sixth house, is associated with health and one's capacity for work and service. General working conditions, one's ability to obtain and hold a job, job efficiency, daily responsibilities (paid and unpaid), and those who work for or with you occupational hazards, and one's relationships with co-workers and employees are described by this house. Nowadays we can consider any job drawing salary from the employer under this category) and competitive examinations.

The state of the sixth house indicates your daily routine and the methods you use to get your work done. The cusp of this house describes the nature of your work and the general environment of your workplace. This house also rules people you employ, whether at home or at work.

The ability to serve others in health and through work is both valuable and fulfilling. how you serve others in a useful way: helping, working, waiting-on, attending, serving, using skills, teaching skills, craftsmanship, taking care of details, organizing; how you do your duties: everyday work routines, chores, job functions, responsibilities, using proper methods, being punctual, being organized, keeping schedules, working well, being efficient/competent/skillful, how you work or perform to make a living; how you "fix" things or make them more "perfect";

The person in a profession which requires manual or physical labor, such as a servant and a peon are analyzed through this house. The position of auspicious planets in this house makes the person affectionate and good at serving others.

So far as conditions of work are concerned, considered apart from the actual nature of the vocation that is followed, one has to make allowance for one of three factors, i.e., whether the individual under consideration is employed, is an employer, or carries out vocational activities on his or her own initiative. The Cardinal Signs on the cusp of the Sixth House give the strongest indication of the exercising of control over others. The Fixed Signs show the greater capacity for the actual carrying out of work or duties. Mutable signs demonstrate such in-between positions as Foreman or Shop-Steward. The Fire Signs will undoubtedly increase the natural enthusiasm for the work being done.

In a Mundane Figure it enhances the public health and the laboring class including all involuntary services rendered by the people.

In a National Figure it favors any political party supporting Labor. In a Court of Law the deliberations of the jury and the Court records and reports are influenced by the Sixth House. In an organization the Sixth House affects the attitudes, efficiency and general conditions of the employees.

It is the house of duty, dedication, and maintenance. It is the door of knowledge gained through repetitive, mundane examination of data, and wisdom and compassion gained through service to others, whether rendered gladly or forced by karma. With a lot of planets in the sixth, work, health and dependability are issues.


The 6th house in a horoscope is referred to as the house of health. Maintaining good health is the ability to cope in the face of adversity, and this is seen from the 6th house. As human beings, we naturally have shortcomings. What will we do with them? How will we react in the face of personal crisis? Crises, illness and reversals of fortune are all part of our earthly trek. How we confront these situations and deal with the lessons they invariably teach us helps to define the person we become.

In traditional astrology this was (and still is, to many astrologers) the House of health, revealing illnesses and other ailments. The reason for this is simple: few things influence your health more than what you work with, day in and day out. This was particularly true up until the 19th century, since medicine was quite undeveloped until then. So was ergonomy, et cetera.

The other thing to look for here are conditions of health, the type of ailments to which you are prone.

Having planets in the sixth house doesn't indicate that we're going to have health problems, but may describe the types of things that we will have to do in order to prevent health problems. Virgo is the natural sign of the sixth house; Mercury is its natural ruler.

Planets in the sixth house reflect particular facets of these matters; for example, Moon in the sixth house indicates vulnerability to a continuing variety of medical complaints, especially stomach or digestive disorders. The ailments of these individuals are usually not major threats but can disrupt their work and routine schedules. They are apt to operate a business from their home, or seek jobs related to homes, food, family life, women, or children.

They develop mothering instincts and other strong emotional identification toward those who work for or with them. They may work better with women than with men. Work habits may be inconsistent as is their ability to stay in jobs. Their general health and psychological outlook are strongly affected by their work, and when the work environment or responsibilities are upsetting for some reason, inefficiency and absences are the result.

If Saturn is strong in this house, the person prefers to do a job rather than running a business. Saturn is the planet of job or service. When it is stable in the birth-chart, the person likes to do his work himself.

When Mars is malefic in the birth-chart and forms a relationship with its own sign in the Ascendant, the person may honestly serve in the police department or may make money through immoral acts in the department.

Relationship of Mars and Moon in this house may make the person a surgeon.

In fact, with regard to diseases, medical astrology has already developed as a separate field and tons of literature is available in the market on medical astrology. It is not possible to discuss entire medical astrology subject here, but some tips are given on diseases.

This house rules the conscious mind and the proactive measures we take to keep our bodies healthy. (Remember, the first house of the horoscope rules health in terms of overall energy level and vitality, so both have to be considered.) Diet, fitness, and exercise are covered in this sixth house, as are checkups and visits to the dentist.


The sixth house of horoscope represents the struggle-experience. The six house shows struggle, difficulties, opposition of various kinds, litigation and servitude. This house represents fear, difficulties, enemies, ill health, debt and fear of death. Essentially it is the house of difficulties.

Our fears may hold us back, but we can meet them head on and come out stronger on the other side, we may learn the valuable lesson of service or what our life’s work should be. Work and service are central to the sixth house. The focus here is on employment (employers and employee), training, those who serve us (along with those we serve) and those who depend on us. Keeping ourselves strong throughout these efforts is also important here, which is why this house further focuses on health (good and bad), diet, fitness and hygiene.

Essential to the work, we do in life is the work; we do on our self duty, responsibility and personal growth all contribute to the creation of a fully-realized being. We work for others as well as for ourselves; we are at service to those who need us, including our own being. There will be times when crises of health or faith will stand in the way of our best self. At those times, we must endeavor to heal ourselves so that we can return to the work of realizing our sum potential, of serving our world.


The Sixth House represents enemies and wounds. This is an important house as enemies can destroy our mental peace. Even though philosophically the Adversary is an active collaborator and is the builder of the strength in man, practically he can make us cry with his machinations. Hence a powerful Sixth lord is called for; if the sixth house is weak or aspected by malefics, we are bound to suffer.


This house is the house of loan. Sometimes the person takes loans to fulfill his work responsibilities or to expand his business. This house helps analyze when will the person get his loan or will he be easily able to sanction his loan or not. If an auspicious planet is located in this house, the person may not face any obstacles in getting his loan.

If the lord of this house is affected by the malefic influence, the person may get health problems.


The sixth house rules pets and domestic animals; (as well as insects, vermin, and pests in general, including your tiresome neighbor). It is connected with animal husbandry.

Small animals, pets and domesticated beasts in general are ruled, though riding beasts such as horses, oxen and elephants are governed by the 12th. The healing professions and the military are two more subjects governed by this house.

Signs in the Sixth House

When the violent signs(1, 2, 8, 11 signs) are located in the sixth house or more than one planet are placed together in the nearest degrees, the person may get terminated from his job.

When Ketu and Saturn are located together in the nearest degrees in the sixth house then the person may face problem in retaining the job. According to some astrologers, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu create problems for the person at work. Moon in this house may make the person harsh in nature but he may not get easily influenced by anyone and has control on himself. The strength of Moon is also important to analyze while assessing the auspiciousness of Moon.

If the sixth house falls in an auspicious sign (rasi) and the bhava is associated with or aspected by benefic planet unfavorable results signified by the Sixth bhava should not be expected. Contrary results may happen when the Sixth house falls in an inauspicious sign conjoined with or aspected by an unfavorable planet.

Inauspicious Planet in the Sixth House

If inauspicious planets are located in the sixth house, the person may face obstacles at the professional front. If Moon or Venus is present in this house, the person may work in the areas related to hospitals or hotels.

This house is the house of hospitals. The malefic Sun or Rahu may make the person a surgeon. Position of Moon in the debilitated sign increases the auspiciousness of the yoga created for the profession related to medical fields in the person’s birth chart. Relationship of Moon with sixth house may give the person opportunity to serve in police or army. When this house forms a relationship with Saturn, the person gets success in the field of Judiciary.

If the 6th lord associates with or is aspected by a malefic and is situated in lagna the person will suffer from boils, if the 6th lord aspected by or conjoined with malefics is situated in the 5th house his son will suffer from boils, if such an afflicted 6th lord is posited in 4th the mother will suffer from boils etc. If the three weak malefic planets are posited in the 6th or 8th place or these two bhavas are aspected by three weak malefics the native remains sickly since his birth and all along suffers due to monetary loss. He is mentally troubled owing to activities of enemies.

On the other hand if powerful Budha, Vrihaspathi, Sukra and favorable Chandra are situated in the 6th place the native's granary will be full of grain and cereals and the treasury also will never be empty. If Ravi associated with a friendly planet and benefic planet is placed in the 6th the native's enemies will be vanquished. If Ravi associated with a malefic and unfriendly planet is situated in the 6th house the person is always troubled by enemies. Weak and malefic Chandra in the 6th is the cause of suffering due to attack of various diseases. The debilitated Mangal in the 6th house causes danger to life and the native sustains monetary loss.

A retrograde Vrihaspathi being in the 6th place when posited in an enemy house gives the native awful troubles due to activities of an enemy or enemies. If the 6th lord being in the 6th is associated with Sani and Rahu the native also suffers much due to activities of enemies.

There is danger from fire or chance of loss of money due to activities of thieves if the 6th lord is combined with Sani and Mangal. If afflicted Ravi is placed in the 6th house the person suffers from headache, any disease due to poison, heart trouble, gastritis or any other disease due to defective secretion of biles.

The best Yoga for the destruction of enemies is Jupiter in the Ascendant & the North Node in the sixth. This is also known as Ashta Lakshmi Yoga. This Yoga will wipe out enemies.

To determine the strength and the results of the 6th house we have to determine the ascendant and the lord of the 6th house. 

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