Punarpoosam - Punarvasu [Gemini 20-00' to Cancer 3-20']
Punarvasu nakshatra (Geminorium) Spread from 20:00 degrees Mithuna up to 3:20 Karkata. Presiding deity Aditi, the ruling planet is Jupiter. Symbol-Quiver (receptacle for arrows).
This is the birth nakshatra of Lord Rama. Derived from the Sanskrit Puna &Vasu, the etymological significance of 'Punarvasu' which means revival,return, renewal, restoration or repetition.
Puna means "repeat." Punarvasu is known as the "star of renewal." It suggests someone who changes residence often, who undergoes a change of personalities or a purification of self during life. Punarvasu is a deva or godly star, ruled by Aditi, the mother of the demigods. It is a moveable star connected with the merchant class of people. The animal symbol is the cat. Punarvasu is translated as "the good," or "the brilliant."
The 12 Adityas were born of Kasyapa in the womb of Aditi. The 12 Vasus are Indra, Vishnu, Vaga, Twasta, Barun, Aryama, Pusa, Mitra, Agni, Parjyanya, Vivaswan and Dinakar. The mother Aditi of whom the Gods are born is the repository of everything beauty, aristocracy, nobility, good-truth, generosity, magnanimity, purity, aristocracy, and renown. It follows that this star is the cause for these virtues. To start afresh after having once broken off, to start a new life, to come back from a distant land-all. Punarvasu signifies these. It stands for freedom from restriction and limitation, and boundless space.
The Gods, the children of Aditi, are basically and essentially are different from children of Diti, who are demons. The demons never had a taste of divine nectar and therefore miss the knowledge of fundamentals, fundamentals of creation and mystery. They were engrossed with or deeply emerged in enjoyment of the externals, the materialistic aspect of the universe. Gold and sex were the two immediate pursuits, which made them extroverts. The Gods however, could rip into the deeper texture of thins, they had tasted the divine nectar and become partners in supreme divine bliss and Punarvasu represents all these.
When this star is on the ascendant, the person is freedom-loving, not able to be tied down, and changes partners frequently or moves from place to place. Punarvasu creates a good, charitable and intelligent character, easily satisfied and somewhat weak-minded, poetic, of a passionate temperament, faithful, fun-loving and careful in business but only moderately successful financially.
When the Moon tenants the star of Punarvasu, the person is self-controlled, happy, friendly, dull and easily contented, diseased and unable to bear thirst.
General characteristics of Punarvasu Nakshatra
According to the scriptures of Astrology, those born in Punarvasu Nakshatra are very kind-hearted. They have soft and sweet voice. Natives born under the guarding influence of Punarvasu Nakshatra are generally of medium built with looks reflecting their intrinsic qualities of serenity, amiability and magnanimity.
They have heavy body weight. They have strong memory and do not forget anything they see and read once. Marked by a strong power of intuition, they are blessed with divine power and grace.They are very simple and sober, due to which they get respect and honor in the society.
Natives born under the retrieving aspect of Punarvasu Nakshatra are marked by the personality traits of harmony, care and protection. They reflect the utmost happiness and satisfaction, harboring little or no negativity. On being confronted with difficulties and elements of negativity, personality traits of confidence and optimism help them retrieve the same.
Apart from being pleasant natured and friendly, they imbibe the elements of benevolence and self awareness. Attainment of self awareness through spiritual means is one of their personality traits.
As far as the behavioral characteristics of natives born under this magnanimous birth star are concerned, they insist on simplicity in dealing and approach rather than falling back upon crookedly complicated means. Mutually opposing traits of Pollux and Castor endow them with the contradictory duality in their behavioral characteristics. Thus in spite, of losses and dangers suffered on account of Pollux, Castor contributes to their requisite strength to recuperate from failures and losses. Emotionally and mentally reasonable, natives of Punarvasu Nakshatra are motivated by excitement and challenges. With their guarding elements of regeneration and renewal, they emerge unscathed from danger. Their intrinsic goodness and purity lead them to take recourse to the path of spiritual regeneration.
With loads of celestial blessing and grace, natives of Punarvasu Nakshatra perhaps outshine the rest in their positive traits. Self purification through spiritual means is one of their distinguishing hallmarks. Apart from their pleasantness and sociability, their knowledge, tendency to discern a spiritual meaning of life and strength of memory count amongst their positive traits. Their suaveness and sobriety are their other major assets. Despite being popular and socially well known, their essential domestic or home spun nature is also remarkable.
Intrinsic simplicity and tendency to live in present may account for their lack of forethought and carefulness. Susceptibility to simplification giving way to spontaneous disregard for caution also counts amongst their negative traits. Fickle mindedness and instability resulting from a lack of interest in materialistic existence also count amongst their negative traits.
People born in Punarvasu Nakshatra are friendly and like to socialize with others. They greet everyone with love and affection and have a very friendly nature towards everyone. God always showers his blessings on them. There is some divine power which always protects them from the troubles and problems in life. They possess good knowledge in economic matters and reap profits from their ancestral property. They also have interests and knowledge of English literature.
Natives of this Nakshatra acquire high education, which helps them occupy high government post. They also make contacts with some great personalities of society and politics. They also play an active role in politics and get great success and power in this arena.
They lead a happy family and married life. Those born in the star Punarvasu are endowed with children, have good qualities, wealthy and they indulge in bringing difference of opinion among friends. Their children will also be very educated and intelligent. They will achieve great success and lead a luxurious life. People born in Punarvasu Nakshatra have good money. They get recognition in the society because of their nature and personality.
They speak very clearly and are secretive in their dealings. They are learned in the sciences and interested in personal decoration with gems and gold ornaments. They are givers and famous. They are religious, attractive, carry out works of other women. They are tolerant, satisfied with small things and fast movers. They collect a good circle of friends, daily eat good food, sacrifices and worship lord Vishnu. They are peaceful, happy, enjoying and endowed with good progeny. Those born in the Punarvasu star are noted to be long lived, loved by wife, handsome, interested in pomp, of good heart, high in conduct, with low voice, like cereals, intelligent, thinkers, and possess fish sign on stomach.
Career Options for Punarvasu Nakshatra Born People
With their quality to look beneath the material essence of thing natives of Punarvasu Nakshatra excel as spiritual teachers, psychologists and mystic philosophers. With their essential hallmark of retrieving and building they do well with regard to career opportunities based on architecture, innovations, civil engineering and maintenance of buildings. Career opportunities based on acting, dramatics and writing are also appealing for them.
Purnavasu rules over merchants, servants, artisans, the famous, the truthful, the generous, the pure and clean, the attractive, the intelligent, the wealthy, the high-born, and varieties of cereals.
1st Pada: THE MOON AT: 20 degrees to 23-20 degrees Gemini:
hairy and fat bodied; suffering from imbalances of air; wise but arrogant, passionate and of quick temper.
2nd Pada: THE MOON AT: 23-20 degrees to 26-40 degrees Gemini:
of good habits; able to protect one's brethren; clever in work, religious and of bilious temperament.
3rd Pada: THE MOON AT: 26-40 degrees Gemini to 0 degrees Cancer:
greedy, hypocritical, poetic, good longevity, dental problems.
4th Pada: THE MOON AT: 0 degrees to 3-20 degrees Cancer:
liked by the opposite sex, handsome and a good speaker.
NO Doshas / blemishes in the nakshatras found at: PUNARVASU:
1st Pada: Good
2nd Pada: Good
3rd Pada: Good
4th Pada: Good
Punarvasu nakshatra (Geminorium) Spread from 20:00 degrees Mithuna up to 3:20 Karkata. Presiding deity Aditi, the ruling planet is Jupiter. Symbol-Quiver (receptacle for arrows).
This is the birth nakshatra of Lord Rama. Derived from the Sanskrit Puna &Vasu, the etymological significance of 'Punarvasu' which means revival,return, renewal, restoration or repetition.
Puna means "repeat." Punarvasu is known as the "star of renewal." It suggests someone who changes residence often, who undergoes a change of personalities or a purification of self during life. Punarvasu is a deva or godly star, ruled by Aditi, the mother of the demigods. It is a moveable star connected with the merchant class of people. The animal symbol is the cat. Punarvasu is translated as "the good," or "the brilliant."
The 12 Adityas were born of Kasyapa in the womb of Aditi. The 12 Vasus are Indra, Vishnu, Vaga, Twasta, Barun, Aryama, Pusa, Mitra, Agni, Parjyanya, Vivaswan and Dinakar. The mother Aditi of whom the Gods are born is the repository of everything beauty, aristocracy, nobility, good-truth, generosity, magnanimity, purity, aristocracy, and renown. It follows that this star is the cause for these virtues. To start afresh after having once broken off, to start a new life, to come back from a distant land-all. Punarvasu signifies these. It stands for freedom from restriction and limitation, and boundless space.
The Gods, the children of Aditi, are basically and essentially are different from children of Diti, who are demons. The demons never had a taste of divine nectar and therefore miss the knowledge of fundamentals, fundamentals of creation and mystery. They were engrossed with or deeply emerged in enjoyment of the externals, the materialistic aspect of the universe. Gold and sex were the two immediate pursuits, which made them extroverts. The Gods however, could rip into the deeper texture of thins, they had tasted the divine nectar and become partners in supreme divine bliss and Punarvasu represents all these.
When this star is on the ascendant, the person is freedom-loving, not able to be tied down, and changes partners frequently or moves from place to place. Punarvasu creates a good, charitable and intelligent character, easily satisfied and somewhat weak-minded, poetic, of a passionate temperament, faithful, fun-loving and careful in business but only moderately successful financially.
When the Moon tenants the star of Punarvasu, the person is self-controlled, happy, friendly, dull and easily contented, diseased and unable to bear thirst.
General characteristics of Punarvasu Nakshatra
According to the scriptures of Astrology, those born in Punarvasu Nakshatra are very kind-hearted. They have soft and sweet voice. Natives born under the guarding influence of Punarvasu Nakshatra are generally of medium built with looks reflecting their intrinsic qualities of serenity, amiability and magnanimity.
They have heavy body weight. They have strong memory and do not forget anything they see and read once. Marked by a strong power of intuition, they are blessed with divine power and grace.They are very simple and sober, due to which they get respect and honor in the society.
Natives born under the retrieving aspect of Punarvasu Nakshatra are marked by the personality traits of harmony, care and protection. They reflect the utmost happiness and satisfaction, harboring little or no negativity. On being confronted with difficulties and elements of negativity, personality traits of confidence and optimism help them retrieve the same.
Apart from being pleasant natured and friendly, they imbibe the elements of benevolence and self awareness. Attainment of self awareness through spiritual means is one of their personality traits.
As far as the behavioral characteristics of natives born under this magnanimous birth star are concerned, they insist on simplicity in dealing and approach rather than falling back upon crookedly complicated means. Mutually opposing traits of Pollux and Castor endow them with the contradictory duality in their behavioral characteristics. Thus in spite, of losses and dangers suffered on account of Pollux, Castor contributes to their requisite strength to recuperate from failures and losses. Emotionally and mentally reasonable, natives of Punarvasu Nakshatra are motivated by excitement and challenges. With their guarding elements of regeneration and renewal, they emerge unscathed from danger. Their intrinsic goodness and purity lead them to take recourse to the path of spiritual regeneration.
With loads of celestial blessing and grace, natives of Punarvasu Nakshatra perhaps outshine the rest in their positive traits. Self purification through spiritual means is one of their distinguishing hallmarks. Apart from their pleasantness and sociability, their knowledge, tendency to discern a spiritual meaning of life and strength of memory count amongst their positive traits. Their suaveness and sobriety are their other major assets. Despite being popular and socially well known, their essential domestic or home spun nature is also remarkable.
Intrinsic simplicity and tendency to live in present may account for their lack of forethought and carefulness. Susceptibility to simplification giving way to spontaneous disregard for caution also counts amongst their negative traits. Fickle mindedness and instability resulting from a lack of interest in materialistic existence also count amongst their negative traits.
People born in Punarvasu Nakshatra are friendly and like to socialize with others. They greet everyone with love and affection and have a very friendly nature towards everyone. God always showers his blessings on them. There is some divine power which always protects them from the troubles and problems in life. They possess good knowledge in economic matters and reap profits from their ancestral property. They also have interests and knowledge of English literature.
Natives of this Nakshatra acquire high education, which helps them occupy high government post. They also make contacts with some great personalities of society and politics. They also play an active role in politics and get great success and power in this arena.
They lead a happy family and married life. Those born in the star Punarvasu are endowed with children, have good qualities, wealthy and they indulge in bringing difference of opinion among friends. Their children will also be very educated and intelligent. They will achieve great success and lead a luxurious life. People born in Punarvasu Nakshatra have good money. They get recognition in the society because of their nature and personality.
They speak very clearly and are secretive in their dealings. They are learned in the sciences and interested in personal decoration with gems and gold ornaments. They are givers and famous. They are religious, attractive, carry out works of other women. They are tolerant, satisfied with small things and fast movers. They collect a good circle of friends, daily eat good food, sacrifices and worship lord Vishnu. They are peaceful, happy, enjoying and endowed with good progeny. Those born in the Punarvasu star are noted to be long lived, loved by wife, handsome, interested in pomp, of good heart, high in conduct, with low voice, like cereals, intelligent, thinkers, and possess fish sign on stomach.
Career Options for Punarvasu Nakshatra Born People
With their quality to look beneath the material essence of thing natives of Punarvasu Nakshatra excel as spiritual teachers, psychologists and mystic philosophers. With their essential hallmark of retrieving and building they do well with regard to career opportunities based on architecture, innovations, civil engineering and maintenance of buildings. Career opportunities based on acting, dramatics and writing are also appealing for them.
Purnavasu rules over merchants, servants, artisans, the famous, the truthful, the generous, the pure and clean, the attractive, the intelligent, the wealthy, the high-born, and varieties of cereals.
1st Pada: THE MOON AT: 20 degrees to 23-20 degrees Gemini:
hairy and fat bodied; suffering from imbalances of air; wise but arrogant, passionate and of quick temper.
2nd Pada: THE MOON AT: 23-20 degrees to 26-40 degrees Gemini:
of good habits; able to protect one's brethren; clever in work, religious and of bilious temperament.
3rd Pada: THE MOON AT: 26-40 degrees Gemini to 0 degrees Cancer:
greedy, hypocritical, poetic, good longevity, dental problems.
4th Pada: THE MOON AT: 0 degrees to 3-20 degrees Cancer:
liked by the opposite sex, handsome and a good speaker.
NO Doshas / blemishes in the nakshatras found at: PUNARVASU:
1st Pada: Good
2nd Pada: Good
3rd Pada: Good
4th Pada: Good
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