Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Kalathra Dosha

The word "Kalathra" means the life partner of every person. The word Kalathra means spouse. For males the word "Kalthra" points towards his wife and for the females to their husband.

Among the planets, Venus is the kalathra karaka (planet indicating wife). Among the 12 houses, 7th house is the kalthra sthana (house indicating spouse). Any malefic planet in 7th house creates kalathra dosha. Also, kalathra dosha is created if the 7th lord and venus is afflicted in the birth chart.

Kalathra Dosha means that it indicate trouble ahead in the married life. Kalathra Dosham (Kathira Dosha) can cause delay in marriage it is very hard to find a suitable partner for marriage or can end up in no marrige during the current life. The houses 2, 7 and 11 is considered for judging the Kalathra Dosham on a chart. However 7th house is given paramount importantance. Venus is the Kalathra Karaka in boy's horosocpe and Jupiter is the Kalathra Karaka in girl's horosocpe

Even after the marriage, they lack good understanding and live a separated life. They also lack conjugal bliss which ultimately ends up in divorce. In some cases, the spouse suffers due to health problems and even death may occur in severe cases.

No connection between 2nd, 7th and 11th house can lead to delayed marriage usually. The malefic planet or malefic affliction in 7th house or in 7th lord can create problems in married life. The array of planets affliction with 7th house or 7th lord can cause divorce and re-marriage.

Most of them often takes much care and time to solve the Marriage Porutham puzzle. But the actual villian in the Marriage episode is this Kalathra Dosha. If Boy or Girl's horoscope indicates any form of Kalathra Dosha, that issue has to be addressed before conducying the Marriage.

Common effects of kalathra dosha: 

Delay in marriage
Unhappy marital life
Lack of conjugal bliss
Separation or divorce
Ill health to spouse
Premature death of spouse

Similarly, 8th house is called as mangalya sthana(house indicating marital tie). Malefic planets in 8th house create Mangalya dosham. Planet Jupiter is called as the mangalya karaka (planet indicating marital tie). If the 8th lord, Jupiter and 8th house is afflicted, then the person faces trouble in marital life due to mangalya dosham. Mangalya dosha will spoil the marriage life either by separating husband and wife by sending someone away from home or else by divorce or by giving death to the husband.


  1. Kalasarpa Homam is helps to normalises the malefic effects of Rahu and Ketu to a large extent.It helps to overcome all problems in life.
    Read More click here

  2. I have kalasthra dosha.But we didn't do any remediations.I feel misunderstandings arose at its peak with my partner.There is speech of separation also.Kindly suggest me what can be done to avoid separation and remedies can be taken for happy life.


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