Sunday, March 16, 2014

First House


All matters are distributed among the 12 houses and each house influences certain matters. One is to judge a particular house or a few houses for any particular affair. What each house denotes is discussed below.

House is measured from cusp to cusp. Therefore Lagna Bhava or first house commences from the point that just rises in the East and extends upto 2 nd cusp and the whole area is to rise and is below horizon. That which has risen just before birth and extends upwards in the Eastern horizon is the 12th Bhava.

Earth is moving on its axis from West to East. If we see towards horizon, we find that signs of Zodiac rise one by one. Any particular sign of the Zodiac will reappear at the east horizon after approximately 24 hours. The 1st house is located at the Eastern horizon and the rest of the twelve houses follow counter clockwise direction.

Ascendant is the sign of zodiac which is rising in the eastern horizon at the time of occurrence of an event. The Ascendant is also known as Lagna or first house of the horoscope.

Lagnam ( First Bhava )

First House or Lagna Bhava : Mainly 1st house governs head and the upper part of the face.The first house or what is commonly known as the Ascendant or Lagna is the most important of the houses.The first bhava or house is reckoned from the Ascendant or Lagna i.e., the point from where the sun has raised in the natal Chart. This House gives the idea of the physical traits of the individual.

Also called as "Rising Sign" because just as the Sun ascends or rises on the eastern horizon so do all the planets and signs as they follow their path in the sky along the zodiac belt.

In Vedic Astrology it is referred to as "Tanur or Tanu Bhava", which means literally, "the house of the body". It signifies the birth, beginning of life, personality, personal features, looks, body, character, temperament, individuality, self consciousness and constitution in general.
Lagna or First House called Tanu sthana, represents your birth, body looks and soul, personality traits and inclinations, longevity, health, character and nature. It also rules your head the head, longevity, health, character and nature of the native. It is a kendra a trikona and Dharma bhava, and it is at the same time . It is one of the most important and auspicious house in the horoscope.

The Ascendant or First House always denotes and represents the Native or the Self. Houses are also known as Bhavas in jyotisha.Bhava means feeling and in short it represents what kind of feelings the native will have towards a particular area of life denoted by the particular house of bhava. Self , form , color , internal nature , overall health and vitality, happiness or sadness in life , overall intelligence , head and tendency of the native are to be judged from the Ascendant or the first house.

Moreover it governs your personality, temperament, appearance and health. We can know about the physique, early life, childhood, health, character, physical build, complexion, virtues, will power, fame, beauty, age, comforts and sorrows, mind, physical frame, nature and one’s inclinations.

The Ascendant is always an important factor in the matter of health as it also indicates the person's vitality and vigor, his natural disposition and tendencies and struggle for life, his success or failure in attempts, his fortune or misfortune, etc. It is the main factor in determining our orientation to life as a whole. Hence this is of supreme importance.

This house refers to the first sign of zodiac, the Aries or the Mesha. The natural significator of the first house is the planet Sun. The parts of the physical body governed by 1st house are the head and the upper part of the face and all the organs there in. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, ascendant or first house signifies the people in the country and general state of the country. The common people, public health, overall condition and signifies the masses or a country or kingdom. It governs all the matters signified by the ministry of home affairs.

Presence of Benefic Planets shows good results and presence of inauspicious planets in the lagna Bhava shows bad results. Also the lord of the Lagna and his placement in the chart should be taken into account for a detailed examination of the health and physical strength of the native.

First House in Horoscope | Lagna Bhava Meaning | Ist House in Indian Astrology

In Indian astrology , First house is known by many other names.This house is also known as Lagna bhava, kendra bhava, and trikona bhava. Lagna Bhava is the strength of horoscope , and has a great significance as compared to other houses.If Lagna or Lagnesh is affected by Badhkesh Planet , then the persons health is affected. Any extreme planet in Lagna Bhava , affects the normal growth and marriage.

First House

Body, appearance, personality, face, health, head, character, temperament, intellect, living or livelihood, longevity, fortune, honour, dignity, prosperity.

The 1st house is the negative and positive attributes of a person and his personality. Ascendant reveals the inner and outside beauty of an individual. It executes the brain of a person, basically the cranium of the brain. It plays a role in the temperament and behavior of a person and the way he or she takes decisions at different circumstances. Ascendant also tells us about recognitions he/she would get. It reveals some of the health issues as well. Ascendant also gives us the idea about the features of the a native.

Other points decided by the first house of birth chart are Physical stature, colour, form and shape, constitution, health, vitality and vigour, natural dispositions and tendencies, personality and struggle for life, honour, dignity, prosperity, general well being, head, upper part of the face, virtues, longevity, start in life and an idea about the general structure of life.

The 1st house is naturally associated with Aries and its ruling planet Mars. The ascendant is the cusp of the 1st house. This house represents the area of life concerned with our sense of self identity. Signs and planets in this house reflect both who we are and how we meet life. It represents our personal identity, and the need to be a separate and distinct person. The physical body is the material expression of our self identity, and its strengths and weaknesses are indicated by this house. Another way of viewing the 1st house is as the lens through which we perceive life, and which colours our view of existence

The more the rising Lagna is benefic , the long life a person gets.This yoga helps the person to achieve happiness and respect and the person will be surrounded by happy circumstances. Other than that , if the Lagna aspects Lagnesh ,then the person is the richest amongst the rich. This person act as a lamp to its blood.

The 1st house is native’s success or failure in attempts (1st,10th and 11th houses), his fortune or misfortune etc. 1st, 3rd and 8th houses to ascertain the probable span of one’s life. The lagan, according to HINDU sages, shows the native’s residence abroad. Therefore one should examine this house before one predicts whether the native will live in his own place or will make fortune is a far-off place. In short, we can say that ,this house is the significator of any changes in the individual’s life. Hence this is of supreme importance. All depends upon the occupants and aspects to Ascendant.

Mundane Astrology

In Mundane astrology, ascendant of a country signifies the people in the country or general state of the locality or the State for which the horoscope is cast.


In Horary Astrology, the first house may be said to symbolize the person asking the question.

Bhattothpala says in PRASNAJNAN that longevity, age, birth, health, happiness, virtues, suffering, one’s form and complexion are to be investigated from the 1st house.

Ascendant indicates the advantages gains and profits to younger brother and his friends because it is 11th house from 3rd. Danger to maternal uncle, end of open inimical activity is to be read from the 1st house as it is 8th house from 6th house. Demise of partner, wife or husband and the pleasurable pursuits and speculation of father is also included. We can see also the short journey, editing, publishing by Lagna. From 1st house we also see that a person will enjoy from his profession or not.

Thus each houses signifies certain matters concerning the individuals and the same house indicates various matters relating to the relatives of the native.. A house may be fortunate to the native and the same time it may be unlucky to a relative. As the 1st house says the native may keep good health but visit hospital to attend on a sick relative and be worried because of the relative.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Revathi - 27 th Star

Revathi [Pisces 16-40' to Pisces 30-00']

Revati nakshatra (Piscium). Spread from after 16:40′ up to 30 degree in Meena Rashi, the ruling planet is Mercury. Deity Pusan. Pusan is the keeper of Cows of the Gods, causes Cow keeping and animal husbandry, protection and nourishing of dependants, foster-father etc. Pusa means the cherishing of protected people, nourishment, excellence, increase etc., material enjoyment, wealth, prosperity, superfluity, fatness-these are the attributes of Revati.
Another attribute is that the native of this star advances by leaps and bounds, that it is to say by fits and starts. Birth star of Shani. Anthropomorphically: cavity of the abdomen, groins of Kalapurusha.

REVATI is translated as "the wealthy." It is a deva or godly star, soft in nature and is ruled by the demigod Pusha. Pusha carries the ideas of protecting or nourishing, as a shepherd keeps his flock. Revati's animal symbol is the elephant, which indicates material prosperity.

Existing in the zodiac sign of Pisces, Revathi Nakshatra etymologically implies power to transcend. Endowed with an intrinsic hopefulness, the nakshatra includes in itself the potential to see beyond the mundane mediocrities characterizing everyday existence. Apart from this being one of its general characteristics, Revathi Nakshatra with the predominating influence of Saturn and Jupiter; upholds the general characteristics of idealism, benevolence and sustenance. Another essential characteristic of this nakshatra is its ‘Kshiradyapani Shakti’- by virtue of which it is able to protect and nourish, despite its essential detachment.

When this star is on the ascendant, the person has good longevity, is attractive in appearance and comes under the sway of the opposite sex; is valiant, rich, proud, self-respecting, and sometimes jealous. Clean and of strong body, such person is sociable and makes a good teacher. When the Moon tenants this star, we get a clean, courageous, well-liked person of a well-formed body.

Revathi rules over aquatic products as well as fruits, flowers, salt, gems, conchshells, pearls, lotus flowers, perfumes, flowers, traders and sailors. 

General characteristics of Revathi Nakshatra

As one of the most pleasant nakshatras, natives born under its benign influence reflect elegantly polished sense of refinement in their personality trait. In spite of their helpfulness and elements of graceful sociability; they are potentially capacitate in remaining untouched by pressures of situations. Seldom affected by twists and turns, theirs is a gracefully illumined presence with streaks of knowledge and educational excellence. Bearing proportionately elegant features and physique, their poise and cordiality together with wisdom and fathoming ability are the leading facets of their personality traits. It also includes in its purview wonderfully keen intellectual acumen together with the passion for learning.

Those born in the star Revathi practice irreligious things, candid, handsome, talk angrily and quick. They are independent in pursuing any jobs. They are endowed with good qualities, have control over their senses, always thinking about their home, wise, handsome, wealthy, enjoy life, learned, fickle, earn good money, sexy, brave, givers, lose women, pure in mind, intelligent, endowed with well proportioned body, capable, hefty bodied, bright, help others and move in foreign lands.

Career Options for Revati Nakshatra Born People

Career opportunities based on scientific research, archaeological survey, poetry and literature are suitable for natives with Revathi in ascendance. Putting into use his wisdom and social acumen he can also be successful in careers related to administration, astrology and astronomy.

1st Pada: THE MOON AT: 16-40 degrees to 20 degrees Pisces:
clever, happy, learned, worried, perverted thinking, oily skin.

2nd Pada: THE MOON AT: 20 degrees to 23-20 degrees Pisces:
thievish, passionate and of a loose mentality; having a firm mind, in debt and having a lustrous face.

3rd Pada: THE MOON AT: 23-20 degrees to 26-40 degrees Pisces:
bad manners; not straightforward; sinful and poor; open-hearted.

4th Pada: THE MOON AT: 26-40 degrees Pisces to 0 degrees Aries:
barren, clean, courageous, truthful, brave, of sharp intellect.

Doshas / blemishes in the nakshatras found at: REVATI:

1st Pada: Good
2nd Pada: Good
3rd Pada: Good
4th Pada: Affects the child.

Remedial upaaya to be performed:
A gift of gold to the Deity or to the brahmins/a brahmin.

Uthrattathi - 26 th Star

Uttarabhadrapada [Pisces 3-20' to Pisces 16-40']

Uttarabhadrapada is the 26th nakshatra of the zodiac. Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra (Andromedae). Spread from after 3:20′ up to 16:40 in Meen, the ruling planet is Saturn, deity Ahirbudhyana. The Star is adorned with serpent-like symbol. Anthropomorphically: the sole of the feet of Kalapurush.

UTTARABHADRAPADA is a fixed and auspicious star, earthly in nature, and translated similar to the previous star as "the burning pair." The ideas of this star are the power to control anger, and the ability to move from lower consciousness towards the spiritual plane. It is a ksatriya or warrior star, indicating the ability to protect and care for people.

It looks like rice, its properties and attributes are like those of Adra, some attributes of Purvabhadrapada also are found. Purvabhadrapada shows signs of contrition and atonement while Uttarbhadrapada shows restrain. From this are to be calculated long distance journeys, renunciation of worldly possessions and mendicancy etc. On the other hand knowledge, learning, good counsel, personality also come within the purview of this star.

The nakshatra associated with prosperity, strength and martial qualities is the store house of widely diverging possibilities and features. Endowed with the aspects of 'vano prastha' and 'Varshodyamana Shakti'; Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra combines in itself the quintessence power of the zodiac. While the former signifies relief from material bondage and advent into the realm of spirituality; the latter implies capacity to cause rainfall.

It might be mentioned here that this nakshatra refers to the vana prastha stage of human life, which involves severance from all worldly and material ties. The aspects ruling this stage are secretiveness, reclusion, and respite from worldly duties. Uttarabhadrapada is hence associated with “varshodyamana shakti” which indicates the power to bring rainfall. This hence relates to the all-encompassing capacity of the asterism and the cosmic sea of conscience and consciousness.

When this star is on the ascendant, one gets happiness from children, likes unusual or occult things, is timid, eloquent and greedy for wealth, has permanent enemies and is fickle in mind.

When the Moon tenants this star, one is of clever speech, is happy and virtuous, enjoys life with children, overcomes enemies and likes to serve.

Uttarabhadrapada (Uttaraproshsthapada) rules over sacrifices, charity, penance, wealthy persons, recluses, heretics, monarches, and valuable corn. 

General characteristics of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra
According to Vedic astrology Uttarabhadrapada natives are influenced by this nakshtra in their life and temperament. These people are determined and have a stable nature. They are not very materialistic. They are honest and stick to their words.

Natives of Uttarabhadrapada are soft hearted and humanitarian. They are always ready to help distressed people. They actively participate in religious works too. They spread the awareness of charity and serving poor and are able to inspire their close ones. According to Indian astrology these people are hard working, fearless and tolerant. These qualities give them continuous success in life.

They are the people who don’t give much importance to principles but what matters to them is behavior. They are equally efficient in business and service. Their activeness and confidence is the foundation of their success. With their hard work and sincerity they achieve a happy and prosperous family. They are usually blessed with supportive life partner and beautiful children.

Those born in the Uttarabhadra star suffer from fluctuation of funds, wise and surrounded by many people. They are affected by the imbalance of bile and always idle. They are prominent amongst their clan, wear jewels, always do constructive jobs, obtain wealth and corns and they are givers. They are endowed with children, religious, winners of their enemies, happy, determined, sexy, learned, great sacrifices, respected in all circles, suffer from various diseases, brave, wise, idle, fickle, possess the signs of fish and til on their private parts and loved by their relatives, They are just and they earn by righteous means.

Uttarabhadrapada is often characterized by postponement, and at the same time laziness, and physical and emotional indolence. Like the indigenous native tribes, the wisdom of Uttarabhadrapada is acquired through experience, and not knowledge. Calculation marks the apparent restraint of the natives with benevolent intentions, understanding and sympathy. As the arbiter, they are able to quash out fire. Calculation makes them good with numerology, astrology, divination, yoga etc. The disposition of Uttarabhadrapada is a serene one that remains unaffected in times of trouble.

Malefic or the benefic aspects of ruling Saturn; plays an important role in determining the personality traits of natives ruled by Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra. Essentially adaptable and changeable; natives belonging to this nakshatra are generally known by their personality traits of determination, wisdom and experience. Penchant for calculation and acquiring wisdom by way of experience are the essential aspects of their personality. Another interesting aspect of their personality is their changeability. Owing to this changeability according to the varying needs of circumstances, it is difficult to attribute typical traits to their personality. Usually possessing attractive features and complexion, they excel in attracting attention by virtue of their grace and mannerisms. Usually religious and drawn to high ethical standard, the natives of Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra; are prone to seeking recluse within the folds of spirituality.

The position of Saturn goes a long way in effecting the performance of the Uttarabhadrapada natives. Hence, the serpent of the atmosphere’s underbelly often lies dormant. The latent inertia is overcome by the influence of complementing planets like Mars, Jupiter and the Sun. However, the wrath of Uttarabhadrapada is controlled and sublime and therefore even when it is at its worst, it is less depriving or cruel by nature. Characterized by reason and logic, Uttarabhadrapada ensures that the verdict is best for all the parties involved.

Spiritualism attracts the natives of Uttarabhadrapad. They are by nature interested into philosophical and mysterious subjects. They have a knack of research and analysis and can make it a profitable career.

They are identified as scholars and devotees in the society. They are not hungry for fame and wealth and that’s why being associated with many charitable organizations they don’t want to come in the spotlight. They are basically very private people.

It is interesting to notice that a native of Uttarabhadrapada attains top most rank in his or her service. Hence they have a unique trait in their personality which boosts their continuous growth in life. They are rewarded for their contribution and are popular in the society.

The natives of Uttarabhadrapada are generous and sacrificing. They are disciplined. They lead a happy family life. They are financially sound and have good health.

Career Options for Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra Born People

With wealth of knowledge gained by experience, they make favorable impression on careers related to business, entrepreneurship and managerial positions. Career opportunities centering on consultancy, justice and counseling are also meant for them. Equally effective they can be in careers based on charity and voluntary organizations geared to social service.

Meditation and yoga professionals; therapists; counselors; shamans; practitioners; Occult Sciences; Hermits; Monks; Charity workers; Researchers; Philosophers; Historians; Librarians; Night Watchmen; professionals of amazing abilities; jobs with little motion like doormen; shop clerks; people depending on inheritance, charities or legacy

1st Pada: THE MOON AT: 3-20 degrees to 6-40 degrees Pisces:
lustrous, handsome appearance; rich, truthful and popular.

2nd Pada: THE MOON AT: 6-40 degrees to 10 degrees Pisces:
thin and of good, gentle qualities; follows the right path and is of vast knowledge.

3rd Pada: THE MOON AT: 10 degrees to 13-20 degrees Pisces:
red-haired, foolish, angry, in debt and a liar.

4th Pada: THE MOON AT: 13-20 degrees to 16-40 degrees Pisces:
envious and passionate but broad-minded; a story-teller; collects money daily.

NO Doshas / blemishes in the nakshatras found at: UTT.BHADRA:

1st Pada: Good
2nd Pada: Good
3rd Pada: Good
4th Pada: Good

Remedial upaaya to be performed : Nothing required.

Poorattathi - 25 th Star

Poorvabhadrapada [Aquarius 20-00 to Pisces 3-20']

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra starts from 20 degree Aquarius sign to 3 degree 20 minutes of Pisces sign. Purva Bhadrapad Nakshatra is placed at 19 degrees 24 minutes 22 seconds from Kranti Vritt (ecliptic) and 15 degrees 11 minutes 21 seconds from Vishuwat Rekha (celestial equator). Purva Bhadrapad is the 25th Nakshatra in the series of Nakshatra.

Jupiter is the ruling planet of this Nakshatra, deity Ajopada (Rudra). Symbol double-faced man. The three stages of this Nakshatra are in the Aquarius sign and one is in Aries. It is formed with 2 stars and appears in the sky, in shape of twins. Due to this Purva Bhadrapad Nakshatra is also known as Yamal Sadasya and Adho Mukha Nakshatra. It belongs to the furious category of Nakshatras.

It causes burns, punishes by fire, to cause pain, to burn things to ashes, to use words that burn, conduct that blisters, to use harsh words, evil disposition, cruelty, greediness, restlessness, feeling of despair and unsatisfied ambition, to burn by slow degrees, sudden excess of anger etc. Anthropomorphically: the side of the body of Kalapurush.

Thus, activities such as occult practices, filing of legal cases, attack on the enemy i.e all kinds of furious activities must be performed during this nakshatra.

PURVABHADRAPADA is earthly and dreadful in nature. It is translated as "the burning pair," and it thus represents a passionate and impetuous person with an unstable mind. It is ruled by Jupiter and thus signifies one who is repentant for their sins and mistakes. It is of brahmin or intellectual caste.

Purvabhadrapada (Purvaproshsthapada)(Purattadi) rules over thieves, cowherds, murderers, worthless and despicable people devoid of virtue, the irreligious, and those clever in single combat. 

When this star falls on the ascendant, one will be high-strung, serious about philosophy, unorthodox and intent in their work, having an unusual amount of attachment to the opposite sex, changing residence often, getting money from the government, and having good longevity.

When the Moon tenants this star, one will be wealthy but miserly, afflicted and henpecked, clever in executing work.

Those born in the Purvabhadra star are worshipful of gods and teachers, of righteous conduct and of broad minded. They are respectable and above controversies. They are having control over their senses, experts in all kinds of jobs, endowed with good chest; they are at home with the learned, determined, won over by women, stubborn, despise others, irreligious, brave, givers, enjoyers, soft spoken , handsome, and loving their relatives.

They are speakers, endowed with children, sleep excess, possess long tongue, suffer from the diseases of ears, obedient, helping nature, tall and possess symbols of fish and til on the private parts.

General characteristics of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra

Generally helpful and sociable in their social interaction and behavioral mannerisms, natives belonging to the mentioned nakshatra are also honest, genuine and generous. Dedication, purpose and knowledge are the other aspects of their behavioral characteristics. Ability to confront all kinds of physical and mental hardships also counts amongst their behavioral characteristics. Going by their intrinsically profound spiritual disposition, natives of Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra are prone to mental and spiritual purification. In spite, of their regard for tradition; they can be adaptable and transformational.

According to Astrology, the natives of this Nakshatra always speak the truth and follow the path of truth in their life. They are honest and avoid being deceptive. They are optimistic by nature and never lose hope in life.

The natives of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are benevolent. They are always ready to lend a helping hand to others. They never refrain from helping those in trouble. They are very friendly and social. They meet everyone with love and generosity. They also maintain understanding and honesty in their friendship.

One who is born in this Nakshatra is a gem of a person and a genuine personality. They never think of anyone’s loss. Due to this quality, they can be trusted without any second thought.

From the perspective of education and wisdom, people born in this Nakshatra are very intelligent. They have interests in literature, science, astronomy and possess knowledge of astrology.

On the one hand, the nakshatra unleashes the general characteristics of mystery, flair for the occult perception, violence and cunningness, according to another line of thought; Purva Bhadrapada includes in itself the general characteristics of optimism, honesty, benevolence and charity. Despite the mutual contradiction in the two lines of thought; their inclination towards occult phenomena and practices along with a steak of spirituality are the common facets characterizing the general attributes of such natives. Despite the nakshatra's intrinsic inclination towards supernaturalism and occult practices; one comes across in it the general characteristics of sociability, helpfulness, pleasant mannerisms and benevolence. In fact, the twin aspects of creation and destruction; apart from mutually contradictory aspects of benevolence and violence are epitomized by Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra.

Personality traits of natives born under the domineering aspect of this nakshatra include the aspects of sincerity, determination, discipline and that of hard work. Despite their innate inclination towards the realm of occult and spirituality, one finds in their personality the traits of practicality and reason. However, rather than going for gross materialism, they prefer idealistic approach and lifestyle.

Career Options for Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra Born People

With their overall intelligence and skill, they prove to be effective in careers related to administrative service, business, governmental responsibilities and teaching profession. Career opportunities based on scientific research, writing and acting can also suit the natives belonging to the given nakshatra. Lines related to astrology, astronomy and analysis of scriptures are also beneficial for such natives.

Natives possess knowledge in various subjects of spirituality and astrology. The last phase of Purva Bhadrapad lies in the Pisces sign. Being related to Jupiter in both the forms, the native born in this nakshatra is attractive, wealthy, benevolent, honest and religious. If Jupiter is in its own sign (i.e. Sagittarius and Pisces) then the native becomes virtuous.

People born in the second phase of Purva Bhadrapad are knowledgeable and religious. Such a person achieves success in every work he undertakes. Similarly, a person born in the third phase is intelligent and may possess poetic abilities. They spend most of their time travelling and have to live outside the house. In the fourth phase, the native enjoys the pleasure of good health and earn their livelihood as a teacher or lecturer.

They are idealists and consider knowledge greater than money. From the perspective of livelihood, job and business both are favorable for them. But they prefer doing a job than business. They obtain a high position in their job and if they run a business, they do it with complete dedication and hard-work. They also prefer business involving partnership. They understand their responsibilities well and discharge their duties with honesty. They do not let negative thoughts dominate them. They are also able to overcome all odd situations in life with courage and inner strength.

1st Pada: THE MOON AT: 20 degrees to 23-20 degrees Aquarius:
tall and heavy, envious, close to other's mates, a worrier and a fighter.

2nd Pada: THE MOON AT: 23-20 degrees to 26-40 degrees Aquarius:
getting wealth from the government, liked by the opposite sex, having full material happiness.

3rd Pada: THE MOON AT: 26-40 degrees Aquarius to 0 degrees Pisces:
a relaxed and peaceful person, jolly, nicely dressed and honored.

4th Pada: THE MOON AT: 0 degrees to 3-20 degrees Pisces:
humble but miserly, good-looking, of good longevity, busy with one's own plans.

Doshas / blemishes in the nakshatras found at : P.BHADRA:

1st  Pada : Good
2nd Pada : Good
3rd  Pada : Good
4th  Pada : There's little dosh involved

Remedial upaaya to be performed : Nothing really required, but feeding the brahmins and invoking their ashirvadams will always help.

Sathayam - 24 th star

Shatabhisha [Aquarius 6-40' to Aquarius 20-00')

Shatabhistha nakshatra (Aquarii) Spread from after 6:40 up to 20: in Kumbha, the ruling planet is Rahu and the ruling deity is Varuna. Symbol a circle. 

SATABISHA is a rakshasa or lower nature star, ruled by the powerful malefic planet Rahu. It is translated as "the hundred physicians," and it thus represents a healer and physician. It is moveable in nature. It is also known as "the veiling star," and it indicates a quiet person or one who feels restricted in self-expression.

When this star is on the ascendant, a person in servitude positions, without a large family, results. One will be quiet, moderate and interested in philosophy, mysticism or astrology, deceitful and talented at playing games. There is travel for educational purposes.

When the Moon tenants this star, one will be daring and able to conquer one's opponents, hard to convince, truthful and unfortunate.

Shatabhishakam (Sadaya) rules aquatic products, dealers in fish, boar hunters, washermen, distillers, fowlers, trappers, and hunters.

Also known as the ‘veiling star’; Satabhisha Nakshatra involves the general characteristics of mysticism, spirituality, secretive vision apart from healing. The star symbol of ‘empty circle’; representing this Nakshatra pertains to the realm of illusory perception or ‘maya’. Attraction for the cosmic reality and a mysterious inclination towards concealment are the other general characteristics of Satabhisha Nakshatra. Etymologically connoting the concept of medication or ‘bhesaja’; Satabhisha Nakshatra influences varying forms of aquatic life.

The Ocean, rivers, lakes etc. are derived from this star and it signifies aquatic marine life. It concerns boats, concealment, the veil, and to hide beneath the veil, covering, armor, places to hide things, failures, no-easy success, sorrow, death, restrain, idleness, peevishness, cynicism and a mania for excessive cleanliness.

Those born in the star Shatabhistha are endowed with many children, angry, daring, extreme and unbearable; they are most selfish and gamblers. They are of questionable character and experts in magic. They are stubborn, stable minded, specially knowledgeable, brave, cruel, eat little, stingy, wealthy, servers and go after other women. They live in foreign lands and most sexy. They are respected by the world, plenty minded, their enemies, longlived and are witty. They are good in various transactions, astrologers, suffer from various diseases, and are endowed with some knowledge. 

Diseases indicated by this star are dropsy, rheumatism and heart disease.

General characteristics of Satabhisha Nakshatra

Essentially opinionative by nature, natives of Satabhisha Nakshatra include in their personality traits the elements of care and healing. Often found to be secretive and visionary, their personality traits uphold a blend of rational and mystical aspects. With their intrinsic affinity with reclusive loneliness, such natives are as much prone to scientific attitude as to philosophy, meditation and reflection. Intrinsically characterized by strong likes and dislikes, the natives of Sathabhisa Nakshatra can give in to bouts of depression and mood swings. Etymologically implying “hundred physicians”, they include in their personality traits of remedy and healing.

Usually conventional in their behavioral characteristics, natives of Satabhisha Nakshatra do not believe in going beyond the trodden paths of tradition and convention. Endowed with a keen intellect and power of intuition, natives are found to be hardworking and methodical in their approach. Strict adherence to discipline and rigid compliance with norms also characterize their behavioral characteristics. As far as social interaction is concerned, they keep to a limited circle of friends and acquaintances; seldom going beyond it. With their essential regard for simplicity and tradition, the natives are found to be spendthrift in their dress and desires. Despite their intrinsic attraction for philosophy, spirituality and celestial domain, they are also acutely rational and scientific.

Career Options for Satabhisha Nakshatra Born People

On account of their academically oriented nature, memory and skilled faculty of intuition; they shine exceptionally in careers revolving around medicine and psychology. Career opportunities revolving around astrology and astronomy are also suitable for them. Owing to the predominating influence of Rahu, natives of the given nakshatra are prone to making careers out of politics, business and in those areas where leadership skills are required.

1st Pada: THE MOON AT: 6-40 degrees to 10 degrees Aquarius:
happy, rich, benevolent, truthful, kind to the learned and to animals.

2nd Pada: THE MOON AT: l0 degrees to 13-20 degrees Aquarius:
a hoarder and misanthropic gossiper; proud and sinful.

3rd Pada: THE MOON AT: 13-20 degrees to 16-40 degrees Aquarius:
rich, mean and hungry; may die due to heart problems.

4th Pada: THE MOON AT: 16-40 degrees to 20 degrees Aquarius:
proud, happy and doing good for others; bitterness with their community.

NO Doshas / blemishes in the nakshatras found at : SATABHISAK:

1st Pada : Good
2nd Pada : Good
3rd Pada : Good
4th Pada : Good

Remedial upaaya to be performed : Nothing required.

Avittam - 23 rd Star

Dhanishta (Shravistha) Capricorn 23-20' to Aquarius 6-40']

Dhanishtha nakshatra (Capricorni or Delphini). Spread from after 23:20 in Makara up to 6:40’ in Kumbha, the ruling planet is Mars. Ruling deity is Asthavasu derives from Ganga. The virtues of these gods are associated with this star.

Dhanishta is the 23rd Nakshatra in the constellation. Mars is the lord of this Nakshatra. The nature, lifestyle and behavior of the natives of this nakshatra are influenced by the lord of the Birth-Nakshatra and the lord of its sign.

Let us discuss the nature, characteristics and lifestyle of those born in this Nakshatra.

DHANISTHA is a rakshasa or lower nature star, ruled by aggressive Mars and symbolized by a drum, signifying interest or talent in music. It is translated as the "star of symphony," indicating one's participation in unifying others for a common cause. Dhanistha is moveable indicating that one's fortunes are found away from home.

According to Astrology, people born in Dhanishta Nakshatra are very energetic. They like to be involved and busy in some work. They achieve their goals in life with dedication and efficiency. They are highly ambitious and strong decision-makers. They will try hard to accomplish something they are determined about.

Natives of Dhanishta Nakshatra are dominating. They like to influence others. They remain alert and careful in their work-environment. They value their self-respect. They stay away from conflicting situations. However, when situation gets worse they lose their temper and may become violent.

People born in this Nakshatra have sharp intellect. They have the ability to take quick decisions. Due to their decision making ability they achieve great success in life.

They are very courageous. They have the ability to fight with all kinds of circumstances and situations in life with courage. They give priority to their dignity and self-respect. They tend to lose their temper if they ever feel that their dignity is hurt.

Natives of this Nakshatra always desire to live their life in a peaceful manner. They try to avoid all types of conflicts. They are ambitious and also love music.

When this star is found on the ascendant, it indicates a person of heroic nature, who differs temperamentally with the mate, who is charitable and of royal nature, and can be untruthful, rash, arrogant and harmful if the ascendant is afflicted by bad planets.

When the Moon tenants this star, the person is liberal in gift but greedy as well, daring and rash in action, difficult to convince about anything, wealthy, fond of music and interested in astrology.

Dhanistha (Shravistha) rules over men without pride, eunichs, fast friends, men hated by women, charitable persons, the wealthy, the peaceful and the self-controlled.

General characteristics of Dhanishta Nakshatra

Exhibiting a wide variety in its personality traits, natives of Shravasthi Nakshatra are well known for their sociability and adaptability. With their captivating smile and endearing ways, they are exceptionally fine tuned in striking a comfort zone with the given surrounding. Manifesting vivacity, confidence and constancy of purpose, personality traits of such natives are geared to luxury and good life. Being one of the most vibrant Nakshatras the natives born with Dhanishtha or Dhanishta in ascendance are equally charitable and wise.

With its instinctive sociability and expressive ways, behavioral characteristics of such natives are oriented towards group centric activities. In spite of being motivated by a constancy of purpose, natives born under the influence of Dhanishta Nakshatra are extremely adjustable or adaptable to changing needs of the environment. Marked by sharpness, generosity and frank joviality, the natives are usually outgoing and luxury prone in their behavioral characteristics.

Positive traits geared to warmly vibrant mannerisms, frankness and easy adaptability characterize the natives born with Dhanishta in ascendance. Ability to shine in lines related to performing arts such as music and dance also counts amongst their multi dimensional positive traits. Striking a bond of geniality and harmony with the immediate surroundings is a uniquely laudable trait of these natives. Revealing the positive facets of hopefulness, joy and sympathy; natives of the mentioned Nakshatra are given to much success and achievements.

The general characteristics of Dhanishta Nakshatra are derives its potency from the eight deities or “Vasus” governing it. Thus the Nakshatra combines and epitomizes the general characteristics of the respective Vasus. Ruled by Apah, Dhruva, Dhara, Anila, Anala, Pratyusa, Pravasha and Soma; the Nakshatra stands for ability in music dance, confidence, stability, dependability, hard work, energy, exceptional sharpness, commercial skills and benevolence. The dolphin like constellation endowed with the mystical ‘Khyapayitri shakti’, bestows upon its native fame, success and prosperity in abundance.

Persons born under this star are hostile to women, because they lack adequate sex power. If Shani is the lord of the 7th house and also in this star- any other Graha in the 7th house and associated with this star will also do-the native will be sexually weak. It has to be noted that Shani himself is eunuch. The native of the Star seldom marries or marriage is difficult for him, if married conjugal relation is seldom happy. Anthropomorphically is the back of Kalapurush.

Those born in the star Dhanishtha are difficult to win, bereft of sadness, good eaters, and very famous. They serve the elders and always protect others. They are religious, endowed with many good qualities, wealthy, kind hearted, and having good establishment. They are sad, cruel, suffer from diseases like tuberculosis, and are stubborn. They are after other women, daring, and loved by women. They worship the gods and elders, good givers and wealthy. They are interested in music, respected by relatives, decorated by jewelry and rule many people. They are bright, joyful, cruel, hate brahmins, hot constitutional, stingy and possess long feet. They speak much and show pride in undertaking many works.

Career Options for Dhanishta Nakshatra Born People

Besides doing fine in careers related to performing arts, natives of Dhanishta Nakshatra can curve exceptional niche in managerial positions and ones catering to group activities. Thus career opportunities based on management and entrepreneurship are also suitable for them. They are found to be equally prosperous in medical profession; particularly in specialized branch of surgery. Equally successful they may turn out to be in career opportunities revolving around military bands, real estate and scientific research.

Those born in this Nakshatra give preference to job than business. They like doing a job. However, they occupy a high position in both job and business. Engineering and fields of hardware are favourable for them in terms of education.

From their career perspective, business of sale-purchase of property or land is beneficial for them.

1st Pada: THE MOON AT: 23-20 degrees to 26-40 degrees Capricorn:
with sharp chin; passionate and ambitious; cruel and worrisome.

2nd Pada: THE MOON AT: 26-40 Capricorn to 0 degrees Aquarius:
enthusiastic, truthful, wise, of firm mind, quarrelsome.

3rd Pada: THE MOON AT: 0 degrees Aquarius to 3-20 degrees Aquarius:
proud, rich, well-mannered, taking good care of servants; of fair complexion, hunchback appearance; adherent to one's own opinion.

4th Pada: THE MOON AT; 3-20 degrees to 6-40 degrees Aquarius:
cruel, proud, irreligious; of hairy body; a tale-bearer.
NO Doshas / blemishes in the nakshatras found at : DHANISTHA: 1st  Pada  : Good
2nd Pada : Good
3rd  Pada : Good
4th  Pada  : Good
Remedial upaaya to be performed : Nothing required.

Thiruvonam - 22 nd Star

Shravan [Capricorn 10-00' to Capricorn 23-20')

Shravana nakshatra (Aquarii). Spread after 10: degree up to 23:20’ in Makara, the ruling planet is Moon, symbol 3 footprints, deity Hari who takes all forms of Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, etc.
Shravan nakshatra is considered an auspicious nakshatra in Vedic astrology. The nakshatra is named after an Indian mythical character Shravan Kumar, utmost devotee of his parents.

Moon is the lord of this nakshatra and the 4 quarters of this nakshatra are in Capricorn. Shravana nakshatra has the ruling planet as Moon and it represent the culmination of the lunar energy.

SHRAVAN is a deva or godly star which means "hearing." It is a star of learning which is connected to the goddess Saraswati and to the Supreme Lord Vishnu. It represents communication of that knowledge which helps us transcend the material world. It is a moveable star ruling those in positions of service and worship.

In the night sky, it appears as the shape of the eagle and the corresponding symbol to this is three footprints. In fact the meaning of the name of the nakshatra is 'hearing' and it signifies the art of hearing or the education that is propagated via audible means. The three footprints symbol represents limping which can be associated with Vishnu, the creator.
It is the birth star of Saraswati. From this is derived light-rays, lion, beasts, horse etc. “Hari” means “to take away”. From Sravana is derived the art of hearing and education and audible education.

It is also the birth start of Devi Saraswati, the goddess of education and knowledge. Consequently, this nakshatra signifies and bestows scholarship, the wealth of knowledge, educational proficiency, respect for the shastras, knowledge and intelligence to its natives etc.

The eminent men in the field of education and knowledge, the man who is listened to by others with respect is influenced by this star. It causes also disease of the urethral channel.

Natives born in Shravan nakshatra are responsible to their duties. They are very reliable and never hurt anyone’s trust. Shravan natives are religious and search for the eternal truth. People know them for their spiritual and honest nature.

They earn a good livelihood. Another specialty of their character is that they are very conscious about works and for this reason their work does not contain mistakes.

Natives of Shravan are intelligent. With their merit they have many ideas and plans but due to secret enemies they have to leave their plans incomplete in mid way. Shravan nakshatra gives its natives self-esteem and courage. Basically they are fearless and do not hesitate to call spade a spade.

Natives of this nakshatra are very caring and fond of their parents. They have a very warm and pious nature.

Your life will come through ups and downs regularly. You will rise to success from most problematic situations. This may trigger jealousy among others.Most of the time luck will favor you. You will get knowledge about different subjects. You can be good adviser to others. 

Because you are common friend to lot of people, you can solve problems between your friends.You find solution to problems through your ability to mediate. You do not like to work under the control of anybody. You love independence and respect your pride. 

Your financial status may not match your ability and knowledge. You will not show a greedy nature. Other feel you are very arrogant but actually, you are very simple. You are very healthy and beautiful person. You will express good personality both in words and in your actions. You like all things to be done neatly, orderly and beautifully. You will share others grief. You like to help them. You will be a good&welcoming landlord. you like good food. 

You have good faith in god. You will show gratitude to those who may have helped you in difficult times and given good advices. You are a honest person. You should be careful while choosing ones who are going to be your friends or whom you're going to help as there's a good likelihood of being cheated on. There is special attraction to your smile. You will get good marriage life. You should keep high morals.

Coming in to livelihood, astrology says that both service and business are favorable for the natives of Shravan nakshatra. They successfully earn from any of these careers. Natives of Shravan nakshtra are interested in medical science, engineering, education and art. They have a sound financial life as they don’t squander money uselessly. People misunderstand them as miser because of this nature.

Shravan natives are loved and honored in the society for their straight and simple behavior.

When this star is on the ascendant, we find an excellent character in a lordly position, who is well-known, with many enemies, spending much money, doing religious or humanitarian work. This fortunate entity is learned, has a few children, and lives away from the birthplace.

When the Moon tenants this star, the person is learned, wealthy, famous, possessing a generous marital partner and making a good student.

To Shravana belongs jugglers, those who are always active, the efficient, the energetic, the righteous, devotees of Lord Vishnu, and the truthful.

General characteristics of Shravana Nakshatra born People :

Being associated with the birth start of Devi Saraswati, the natives of this nakshatra are generally experts in various art forms like music, dance and acting and also endowed with immense wealth of knowledge. One of the very important personality traits of these natives is they are very warm and affable in nature. They respect their parents a lot and take care of them with the utmost sincerity. They generally are very sincere to their duties and responsibilities and do not ever hurt or pose problem to anyone willfully. Their being extremely religious, pious and honest comes across as a personality trait that is very much revered by the people around them.

One of the very desirable behavioral characteristic of such individuals is their amicability. They always maintain peace with their surrounding situations and people. They do makes calculations and planning for achieving higher goals of their lives ,but they will never compromise with their truthfulness and generosity towards others. Another easily visible behavioral characteristic that these people possess is the intelligence and fearlessness that they exhibit in their day to day dealings. They are kind of perfectionists and are extremely conscious about their work which is devoid of flaws most of the times.

Career Options of Shravana Natchathra born People :

Those born in the Shravana star are experts in music, dance and drama, truthful and stable minded; they enjoy hearing scriptures. They are endowed with many children and friends, respect pious people, win over their enemies, large-hearted, knowledgeable, brave, learned, wealthy, experts in arts, religious, famous, givers, recollect the help rendered by others, accompanied by relatives, and pure in heart. They are interested in scents and flowers, hefty bodied, go after other women, handsome, large-hearted, support many relatives and loved by all. They are good speakers, enjoy life, wise, possess signs of fish on private parts.

1st Pada: THE MOON AT: 10 degrees to 13-20 degrees Capricorn:
tall and fat, virtuous but a fault-finder, with a few sons; enthusiastic; may have appendix problems.

2nd Pada: THE MOON AT: 13-20 degrees to 16-40 degrees Capricorn: passionate and greedy; thin, devoted and having servants.

3rd Pada: THE MOON AT: 16-40 degrees to 20 degrees Capricorn: passionate and a rogue; sickly; having money but also debts; getting material success.

4th Pada: THE MOON AT: 20 degrees to 23-20 degrees Capricorn:
charitable and religious; owns property and agricultural holdings; interested in dancing girls; of sun-burnt colour.

NO Doshas / blemishes in the nakshatras found at: SRAVAN:

1st Pada : Good
2nd Pada : Good
3rd Pada : Good
4th Pada : Good

Remedial upaaya to be performed : Nothing required.

Uthradam - 21st Star

Uttarashada [Sagittarius 26-40' to Capricorn 10-00']

Uttarashadha nakshatra (Sagigtarii). Spread from 26:40’ Dhanus to 10: of Makaram, ruling planet is Sun.

Uttara Ashadha nakshatra is the twenty first nakshatra among the twenty seven that are present according to the Vedic astrological beliefs.

UttaraAshada is a manusya or earthly star, fixed and auspicious in nature. The lord or the ruling planet for this nakshatra is the Sun. It spans through the constellations of Sagittarius up to Capricorn. The nakshatra is symbolized by the tusk of elephant or by a small bed.

The lord of Uttara Ashadha nakshatra is the Sun which indicates leadership qualities and it is predominantly ruled by the constellation Sagittarius or the Jupiter. As a result of that , the nakshatra has a strong influence of Jupiter and Sun on it. If the kundali of a person is adorned with favorable positions of Mars and Sun , it will be very beneficial , and the person will possess good leadership skills and goes up to a respectable position in administrative services..

It is translated as "the universal one," which indicates the ability to relate to people and to care for the upliftment of humanity. This star carries the ideas of getting absorbed in something, of penetrating deeply into some action or some aspect of knowledge.

When this star is on the ascendant, it represents a sincere and kind character who makes a good counsellor, who is a wanderer, with many enemies and many mates, fond of fun, of sharp intellect, a good public servants, who can read intensely and may become famous.

When the Moon tenants this star, one is well-behaved, with many friends, and is grateful and amiable.

Uttarasadha rules over warriors, those devoted to God, wrestlers, elephants, horses, conveyances as well as those who ride them, trees and other immovable things, persons enjoying pleasures, and men of valour.

The derivatives from Uttarasarha are closely allied to those of Poorbasarha. The points of difference are as follows. Poorbasarha spreads out, it is concerned with extensiveness. Uttarasarha is introspective and penetrative and is concerned with intensiveness, the results of the latter being more permanent than the former (Poorbasarha).

The deity who preserves this world and makes for its welfare is called ‘ganadevata’. There are ten ganadevatas Basu, Satya, Kratu, Daksha, Kala, Kama, Dhriti, Kuru, Pururaba, Madraba. (according to some the ruling deity is Vishwadevatas). All their attributes are in this star. The warrior, the wrestler, the painter, the artist, the magician, the well-dressed man, the happy and successful men are influenced by this star. A special characteristic of it is that it causes a person to be admired and socially applauded. Another characteristic of it is is that under the influence of this star the native falls in love with an unmarried girl. Vishma of the Mahabharata was one of the 8 Basus; so under this star one possesses self-control, restraint, endurance and firm character. There are special rituals for the worship of ganadevatas, which are more or less of specialized nature. The juice of Soma plant plays a part in ‘yagna’ and worship.

Those born in the star Uttarashadha are born with Brahmamsha, cause difference of opinion between friends, do physical exercises, loved by people, enjoyers and travel a lot. They are givers, successful, obtain enjoyment from wife and happy. They recollect the help rendered by others, religious, obedient and endowed with may children. They are independent, handsome and wealthy. Loved by their relatives they are great givers. They are all knowledgeable, pure, endowed with good qualities, entertain guests, witty, kind hearted, furnished of grand qualities, brave, endowed with long nose and fish signs on private parts.

General characteristics of Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra
The natives born in this nakshatra have a good fortune in terms of the partner in their lives. They often get beautiful and supportive life partner and they themselves are good looking and attractive. They have a balanced body, bright eyes, broad head, long nose and their complexion is fair. A charming and gracious personality is one of their major personality traits.

The persons of this nakshatra will generally be very modest and soft spoken. They come across as very friendly persons with innocence written all over them. They are sincere and undertake any of the jobs with utmost responsibility and pursue it to completion. They do not deceive anybody and this inherently honest nature is another personality trait in them , that can be easily noticed and highly endearing.

They are a little reserve people and to understand their behavioral characteristics properly, it takes quite many meets and a long acquaintance for other people around them. Nevertheless, they are very honest beings who do not like hypocrisy and show off. Though he is plain hearted and comes across very simple and straight forward in his dealings in day to day life, he possess strong resolution and do not bend easily in adverse situations. Consulting to other people before taking any decision and being of calm and controlled nature is another behavioral characteristic of such individuals.

Mentioning the positive traits of the natives of this nakshatra, they are very much humble and respect others for what they are and what they do regardless of his own social or financial positions. He gives utmost respect to women. He is very modest and doesn't utters anything bitter against anyone in spite of having strong opinion difference.

The natives lack motivation to do things in life many a times and expect a constant approval or appreciation of their work , failing which they tend to exhibit the negative traits of being unhappy and depressed. He is very humble and shows tolerance to extreme for people who might not deserve it. This excessive humbleness of not being able to harsh to people, in one hand can be seen as a positive trait but it may land them into problems many a times, and manifests itself as a negative trait at times.

Career Options for Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra Born People
They possess a career interest in constructive works like that of architectural work and engineering industries. They achieve success in their career after 38 years of age and may have to initially face some struggle. The fruitful career interest include engineer, architects, mechanical engineering jobs and working with maps and planning.

1st Pada: THE MOON AT: 26-40 Sagittarius to 0 degrees Capricorn:
wise, broad-minded and charitable, with much scriptural wisdom; loved by their masters and teachers.

2nd Pada: THE MOON AT: 0 degrees to 3-20 degrees Capricorn:
charitable, eloquent and firm in speech; devoted, bitter with the unrighteous; greedy and arrogant.

3rd Pada: THE MOON AT: 3-20 degrees to 6-40 degrees Capricorn:
proud, cruel to others, tall and fat, with large eyes.

4th Pada: THE MOON AT: 6-40 degrees to 10 degrees Capricorn:
charitable, religious, wealthy, truthful and well-liked.

No Doshas / blemishes in the nakshatras found at: UTT.ASADHA:
1st Pada : Good
2nd Pada : Good
3rd Pada : Good
4th Pada : Good

Remedial upaaya to be performed:
Nothing required.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Pooradam - 20 th Star

Poorvashada [Sagittarius 13-20' to Sagittarius 26-40']

PURVAASHADA is a dreadful star, earthly in quality. The ruling planet is Venus, the deity is “Varuna’ (lord of the Waters), symbol a ‘hand fan’.

It is ruled by Venus, indicating popularity. It is translated as "the undefeated," or "unsubdued," indicating a person able to be independently wealthy, or able to act as one likes without considering others' opinions. One with this influence has one's name spread around.

The person will be kind hearted and compassionate and is generally hugely popular in the society for his helping nature and cordial behavior. It is pretty easy to locate this nakshatra in , where two stars form a right angle and they can be viewed very clearly in the early morning sky of the April month. They form a shape that closely resembles the shape of elephant teeth.

When this star is on the ascendant, the person is humble, with many friends and children, and faithful to the mate. One may have educational handicaps and engage in some ostentatious or foolish behavior. The native will get positions of high reputation, but does best in a service position.

When the Moon tenants this star, one will be proud, firm in friendship and devotion, and having a good and friendly marital partner. 

Purvaashada attributes are it rules over the tender-hearted, those who are truthful, pure, and wealthy ,concealment, protection of the dependant, firmness in danger, kindness, forgiving nature, power of endurance, will to victory, biting time for opportunities for victory, declaration of war, the courage never to submit or yield, travel by water, constructors of bridges, bridge-making, aquatics, , , cold things, extensiveness like that of the waters, navigators, those who live near water, fishermen, marine life, fish or anything concerning fish trade, , fisherman’s occupation, the watery part of the human system, the watery diseases like Brights’ disease, kidney trouble, things that float on waters including boats, ships and other vessels, mist i.e. barges, and aquatic flowers and fruits all these things come within the purview of this star.

Those born in the star Purvashadha are thieves, proud, angry, wealthy, endowed with good qualities, always speak untruth and capable. They are drunkards, fickle, good speakers, endowed with good qualities and attractive face, obedient, lovers of cows, suffer ungrudgingly, youthful and live with respect. They help at the sight of difficulty, loved by people, and experts in almost all fields. They are slightly taller, possess subtle fingers, famous and sophisticated.

According to some, the deity of ‘Poorvaashada’ is ‘Daksha’ the son of Prajapati. He was the father of ‘Sati’, he was the most powerful among Gods but having incurred the displeasure of Shiva he was beheaded and had a goat’s head in place of his own. From this it is possible to ascribe attributes like truth, desire and other qualities of Puru, Kuru, Pururaba and others to this star.

General characteristics Purva Ashada Natchathra

The natives born under this nakshatra have good physical features. They are tall and lean , bright teeth , bright eyes , long ears and long arms. Their attractive physical appearance is one of their worth mentioning personality traits. He has a dominating personality and possesses extraordinary argument capabilities. He can prove himself right with his personality trait of being able to convince anyone and everyone, doesn’t matter if he is right or wrong.

The native comes across as a friendly and concerned human being who is very much empathetic about others problems and tries to solve them to his maximum capability. It is this endearing behavioral characteristic that he possesses which makes him quite popular in the people surrounding him. He is quite hard working and works towards his aim with full faith and achieves what he wants to. Another important behavioral characteristic he possesses is that he hates showoff or display. He is truthful , god fearing and hates hypocrisy. These natives will never come in the way of others prosperity or development.

The most important positive trait that these individuals possess is their helpfulness and empathetic behavior. They have good convincing abilities and can provide with a lot of advice and ideas, which are helpful to people may a times. Other positive traits of these people are that they are confident , self made and true to themselves and the world. 

Poorvashada has strong belief in itself and considers itself as invincible. Thus, most of the invincible qualities of the zodiac Sagittarius such as ambition, adventure, faith, exuberance and philosophy find their roots to this nakshatra. Being an optimistic constellation, Poorvashada lacks the impatience as it is prepared to follow the rules of time. Instead of being intimidated by setbacks, Poorvashada rather appears to be inspired by it, which may at times work against its favor.

Sometimes, Poorvashada natives are characterized by unrealistic hopes, which can be taken care of by balancing nakshatras in their horoscope. The energy of Poorvashada indicates performing the task right away and this is sometimes insensitive of them. It makes them more warring and destructive which brings sorrow and regret. The cautious nature of the natives makes them slow in performing certain immediate tasks and this may aggravate the intensity of the situation at hand.

Their fresh lookout contains the power to embed life in things that are not as fortunate as they are. Their nonchalance contributes to the joy of living every moment and overcome adversities. Hence their aim is to always get a good life. Certain kinds of the Poorvashada asterism tend to get excited once their goal is achieved and this is also a part of their inherent nature. Poorvashada is born to show them off, and they simply love it. Their creative perception is also worth mentioning as despite their somber expression, they can break into a smile any time.

The confidence of these people sometime takes the form of arrogance and they cannot be deterred from doing what they have decided to do once. This is one of their negative traits as they might find themselves in problems taking decisions with a one dimensional mind. Apart from arrogance, their poor decision making abilities count for other negative trait that the natives possess.

Honesty is a Poorvashada trait, but then they delight in secrecy to a certain extent. Poorvashada identifies with “varchograhan shakti” which refers to the power to instill invigoration, with their strong bonding and strength to eliminate confusion at a cosmic level.

Career Options of Purva Aashada Natchathra

They generally have a variety of career interests such as Psychic mediums, hypnotists; sailors; marine life experts; shipping industry; entertainment industry; fishing professions; professional hosts and hostesses; managers; writers; poets; professional motivators; industries processing raw materials especially liquids; painters; war strategists; weapons experts; para gliders; jumpers; hairdressers; hot air balloonists; flying professionals; herbalists; amusement park workers; people employed in liquid and water professions,but generally the fields of medicine and fine arts are the most suitable ones for them.

They are not recommended for ventures where important decision making is needed. Fields of science and philosophy are good career interests from the success point of view.

1st Pada: THE MOON AT: 13-20 degrees to 16-40 degrees Sagittarius:
of mild and feminine appearance and habits; having few sons; of short longevity; caters to the poor and needy; is brave and humble; has income connected with water.

2nd Pada: THE MOON AT: 16-40 degrees to 20 degrees Sagittarius:
proud, lustrous personality with a quick temper; sickly, humorous and a heavy perspirer.

3rd Pada: THE MOON AT: 20 degrees to 23-20 degrees Sagittarius:
clean, sickly, with a pot belly; of short-lived mother; able to learn good qualities from others.

4th Pada: THE MOON AT: 23-20 degrees to 26-40 degrees Sagittarius:
strong, benevolent, truthful and of deep voice; with a short-lived father; opposes others; has skin disease.

Doshas / blemishes in the nakshatras found at: P.ASADHA:
1st Pada : Good
2nd Pada : Good
3rd Pada : Affects parents
4th Pada : Good

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